Irfan Bachdim considered to belong to Malaysia

Irfan Bachdim which is the new idol of the citizens of Indonesia reportedly has been claimed by Malaysia. how can?

war comments on the website is often the case between citizens of Indonesia and Malaysia and even tended to taunt taunted each other. Well today is the latest of Irfan Bachdim Claims Malaysia. Actually it stems from when there is one who makes postings in online community forums.

The contents of the post reads "original bachdim irfan Malaysia", this direct cash only got a strong reaction from the stronghold of supporters of Indonesia. even commented on the post until 1228 people. It also would rada you angry when people who claim Irfan Bachdim is a native Malaysia, but has proven that he is of Indonesian descent.

Uniquely who posted the article he confessed Indonesian people calling themselves Haikal. "I am an Indonesian and I confess if Irfan Bachdim actually Malaysians. He never beg to be citizens of Malaysia. but rejected by Malaysia," wrote Haikal.

The article immediately got a lot of comments even members claiming to be from Malaysia also commented on "Good honest conversation Ind. ** finally!," wrote Saffar. This paper also directly get a diverse response. Some even responding stronghold Malaysia as a country that claims handyman who often admit something that comes from Indonesia. To the extent that Irfan Bachdim who obviously blooded Indonesia claimed by the opponent's stronghold.

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