Ghost Pictures Baby, in hospitals Ciamis

Mystical world seems to still attract the attention of some communities. The photos show a ghost is often the subject of conversation even though the truth has not been tested.

Look at what happened in Ciamis, West Java. Residents there are excited by the appearance of ghost images Ciamis babies in hospitals. This photo was successfully immortalized hospital security officer by cell phone.

Pictures taken at night in the hospital hallway former intensive emergency room (ER). In the photo looks lined seat and two motorcycles. Well, on the floor looks a figure which is believed baby ghost sightings.

It only took a short time, when this image move to mobile phones with bluetooth facility. Residents also be curious, they even took to the hospital to see the tunnel that was occupied by the ghost baby.

When observed only with the naked eye, a ghost baby seems to not blend with the basic image which hospital floor. It may be that this picture is the result of engineering drawings are deliberately made to simply make a fuss. Then, believest you?

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