Special Gen Flies Slow Aging. Biologists from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States, discovered the gene PGC-1 inhibitors aging fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). This increases the activity of mitochondrial genes: a major energy-producing organs of cells controlling cell growth and to tell when life or death.
Assistant professor of integrative biology and physiology at UCLA, David Walker, PGC-1 gene testing this by placing it on other networks in fruit flies. The result, when PGC-1 is placed on the digestive tract of flies, the flies live longer, up to 50 percent of his age are generally only two months.
"These results are not apparent when PGC-1 gene was placed on a network of nerves, muscles and other tissues," he said, Wednesday (9/11).
During this time, the experts think of aging can be slowed through the brain or heart tissue. Apparently, the intestine inhibits aging plays a major role, not only in the absorption of food. Also inhibit intestinal toxins and pathogens from the environment.
These genes can be used for drugs against diseases related to aging, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, and heart. Special Gen Flies Slow Aging.