Imprinted there, when you wake up, then watch the world float on your bedroom window, about a disaster what was going on at that time? Flash flood or hurricane nightmare is crashing your home? Or is this just the usual day to day on a floating grass beds on Lake Titicaca.
Located at an elevation of in the Peruvian 3.812 metres, here there are 40 floating islands. Originally created by Uros people of Peru from the Inca era, this gorgeous Islands used to place breakout and took refuge from the wars that never stopped in his homeland.
Uros tribe way this could actually make them hard to reach by an aggressor, and because it is done very well to their community for centuries, it seems there is no reason to move to the Mainland.
Made by hand carefully, this floating village composed of layers of grass weeds in tortora was one and attach them to a basic structure, such as a floating pontoon. The result is like a giant raft, and more great more, layers of thatch grass is able to withstand heavy loads and large.
These islands are actually quite sophisticated and could have forced given weight, but should be fixed at regular intervals in order to maintain its power. When the tares-old weeds start regardless of the structure of the essence, the tares-the tares in the new substituted its surface.
The grass of the tares is taken carefully from the edge of Lake Titicaca. These islands are firmly in place with ropes tied to wooden pillars at the base of the Lake.
Only a few of the Islands who are willing to receive visitors. It does not mean that they are not good, because there are reports that mention Uros tribes living tradition is changing quickly due to increasing their interaction with tourists.
The residents of this Lake considers himself as the protector of the Lake, and it is said ahead of the Inca civilization. According to the legend from generation to generation, they even existed before the Sun, stars, and moon.
No wonder and reasonable thing if they worry about being direcoki by people who want to know much about them, let alone the people who like to make mischief on Earth.