Unknown Fact

Talk about facts, we think that this is real.
Maybe you will think that this weird fact, or also the crazy fact, but this is the fact that you do not know.
Weird but true is the fact that you do not know, unknown fact.
I hope these facts are interesting facts for you

1. In Cleveland, Ohio, it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license.

2. It takes 3000 cows to supply the leather for a year to supply football.

3. There is an average of 178 sesame seeds in bread McDonald's Big Mac.

4. Comparison of the number of termites and humans in the world is 10:1.

5. The Gospels have been translated into Klingon.

6. Summer of 2003 in Europe killed 35,000 people.

7. Staphylococcus aureus lives on human skin.

8. The average human produces 25,000 quarts / liters of saliva the size of 0.9463 in a lifetime.

9. Earth is not circular but elliptical.

10. Trend level pregnant women eat more when they contain a baby boy.

11. Sirius, a dwarf star, is the brightest star in the night sky.

12. Babies born with 300 bones, but when an adult has 206 bones.

13. Every square inch of human skin consists of 19 million cells, 60 hairs, 90 oil glands, 19 feet of blood, 625 lymph, 19 000 sensory cells and thousands and millions of bacteria.

14. Tomatoes are the most popular food in the world with production of 60 million tons per year.

15. Mt. Everest, at 8848 feet and 29,028 feet, is the highest mountain in the world.

16. Less than 2% of water is freshwater.

17. Someone who is resting produce heat of 100 watts light bulb.

18. Uranium has been used by Western military power as a anti-tank weapons.

19. Approximately 70% of living organisms are bacteria.

20. An estimate that 300 million cells die in the human body every minute.

21. Albert Brooks's real name is Albert Einstein.

22. Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.

23. One pound equal to 4000 calories of fat.

24. There are about 100,000 to 150,000 hair on the average human head.

25. The largest human organ is skin, weighing about 4 kg of normal adults

26. Weight is 1 trillion bacteria than 1 gram.

27. Residents Eskimos use refrigerators to store food so as not to freeze.

28. The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet.

29. The average span of time playing in a major league baseball is 7 pitches.

30. Spoken word is a word without repeating letters uncopyrightable.

31. Main Library at Indiana University to grow more than 1 inch nearly every year with a thick book.

32. Nutmeg can be very poisonous if injected intravenously.

33. Neuron star capacity is 1.5 to 3 times the mass of the sun.

34. Nearly 85% of the universe is a form of dark material ..

35. The first toilet ever seen on television was "Leave it to Beaver".

36. Of the two billion people only have 1 who will live to age 116.

37. 200 companies contribute 29% of the world economy and employs just 0.9% in the world of work.

38. 98 tons of buried ancient plants used to make 1 gallon of gasoline in the United States.

39. An estimated 16,000 people worldwide infected with HIV every day.

40. The strong negative emotions cause damage to the immune system.

41. Due to pollution and overfishing, the population of the United States, Asia and Europe have rejected the eels up to 99%.

42. Dot above the letter "i" is called the title.

43. Neutrons have a life of 14 hours outside the nucleus of an atom.

44. Only 22% of original forest still exist on earth.

45. Humans are the only primates that have pigment in the hands of their hands.

46. On average 100 people die each year choking on ballpoint.

47. Reno, Nevada is west of Los Angeles, California

48. 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died at the age of 30 years.

49. In the era of Ancient Egypt, the stone slabs used as a pillow.

50. In 1962, schools in Tanganyika was closed because of an event that is an epidemic of laughter that lasted for six months.

51. In 1980, workers at a Las Vegas hospital suspended. They bet on who the patient who will die first.

52. Ancient China, doctors received money only if the patient is cured.

53. In Egypt, people shaved off my eyebrows if there is a dead cat.

54. In the 1800s, if any person who fails to commit suicide, they should face the death penalty.

55. In 1848, Niagara Falls has been resting for half an hour because of an ice blocking the river source.

56. People using glasses since the last 700 years.

57. People aged over 100 in the USA increased from 4,000 in 1960 to 55,000 in 1995.

58. A cat can run 20 km per hour.

59. A cheetah can run 76 km per hour.

60. The largest frog is the Goliath Frog of the world.

61. No two zebras are similar blemish.

62. There are nearly 50 kinds of kangaroo.

63. Joeys is the name given to the child kangaroo.

64. Woodpecker can peck 20 times in one minute.

65. The tongue of a Chameleon is twice the length of the body itself.

66. 10% of the world population is left-handed.

67. Dolphins communicate with each other with a growl and whistle

68. The blue whale is the largest mammal in the world.

69. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

70. Cats have a sharper eye than a human.

71. Jelly Fish body consisting of 95% water.

72. Sun 330 330 times larger than Earth.

73. Fingernails grow faster than toenails.

74. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

75. Elephant is smaller than the blue whale.

76. Cats can survive without water longer than camels.

77. Rhinoceros horn is made of keratin.

78. Giraffes have a long 21-inch tongue.

79. The first bicycle was made in 1817 was made without pedals.

80. Rechendorfer Joseph was the first to successfully put the eraser on a pencil.

81. The first toy balloon made of rubber vulkansir.

82. One end of a pencil can write 50,000 words in English.

83. There are nearly 900 species of bats in the world.

84. Right-hand men live longer than the left hand.

85. Many people are killed by donkeys.

86. A crocodile can not exclude the tongue.

87. Ants do not sleep.

88. Polar bears left-handed.

89. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because the exhaust air / fart in a space outfit cause damage.

90. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can not sink into the sand.

91. Light strikes the earth about 6,000 times per minute.

92. Lobsters have blue blood.

93. A man says average 4850 words in 24 hours.

94. Thumb nails grow slowly and middle finger nails the fastest.

95. Chocolate can kill dogs.

96. Ketchup previously sold as a drug.

97. The first product that has a barcode was Wrigley's gum.

98. Canada in the Great Indian language means Village.

99. Someone produces 100 pounds of red blood cells in his life.

100. Longest rubber band is in the refrigerator.

101. There are 293 ways to exchange dollars.

102. "Dreamt" is the only word ending in 'mt'.

103. Intelligent people who had higher levels of zinc and copper in their hair.

104. 69% of Americans use the Internet and only 5.5% of India.

105. Plastic takes 500 years to decompose.

106. America already has 30.30% airports of the world and India is only 0.70%.

107. Earth's total surface area is 197 million square miles.

108. The sunlight reaching the earth takes about 8 hours 3 seconds.

109. The world's population has increased 3.1 billion in the last 40 years.

110. Approximately 180 million per year spread out Valentine cards.

111. 4% of the total population every day drinking cold drinks.

112. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

113. In Bangladesh, children will be punished and jailed if foul in the final exam.

114. Need a yard of sugarcane to make a sugar cube

115. Half a gallon of water needed to cook macaroni.

116. Traffic lights were used before the invention of the car.

117. A normal person laughs five times a day.

118. Every year in India, an estimated 300 million tickets were sold.

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